Panchakarma means the five therapeutic techniques of the unique speciality of Ayurveda viz Vaman ,Virechan ,Basti , Nasya and Raktamokshan .The treatment is designed to restore the body’s natural balance while eliminating toxins and strengthening the immune system .In today’s stressful life ,toxins gradually accumulate in the body causing various diseases.
Panchakarma is a unique opportunity to cleanse body, mind and soul.It is not only used as curative therapy but it is also a preventive to maintain good health.
The treatments are designed to meet individual needs with dietary changes, ayurvedic medicines and various panchakarma therapies .

Toxin Cleansing Therapy - Basti - Karma

It is most important panchakarma therapy as it cleanses all accumulated toxins especially done for vata dosha .Basti is highly beneficial as it is both therapeutic and rejuvenating .It is procedure done by administrating the medicines in the form of decoctions(kwath) or medicated oils through anal region or urinary or vaginal route(Uttarbasti).Indications are indigestion ,rheumatism ,sciatica , arthritis, nervous disorders,various pain management and other many disorders.

Blood Purification Therapy - Raktamokshana

It is one of panchakarma therapies which means letting of small quantities of blood to remove accumulated pitta toxins from the body .Their are various ways of raktamokshana– including jalaukavacharan depending on various factors . Indications are various skin diseases, varicose veins , psoriasis, diabetes wounds,liver and spleen disorders and many more illness.

Ayurvedic Healing Nasal Treatment - Nasya Therapy

Administration of medicated oils ,fresh juices etc through nostrils is known as Nasya Karma .Nose is the gateway of the head so this form of therapy is highly effective for head and brain related diseases.

Ayurveda Panchkarma for Pitta Detoxification - Virechana

Virechana is the pradhana karma by which vitiated pitta dosha is removed from body system particularly the GI tract . Indications for Virechana are skin diseases ,gastrointestinal ,hairfall , hyperlipidemia , diabetes, burning sensation, hemiplegia,gouty arthritis and many more diseases.

Ayurvedic Emesis Therapy - Vamana

Vamana is the pradhana panchakarma procedure ,a medicated emesis therapy by which vitiated kapha doshas are removed through mouth.Indications for vamana are cold cough asthama ,chronic respiratory disorder,skin diseases with itching , tumour ,fibroid,indigestion and obesity and many more disorders.

Ayurvedic therapy for stress releasing & relaxation-Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a traditional panchakarma procedure in which slowly and steadily medicated oils or other liquids on forehead.Indications are anxiety ,neurosis, hypertension ,stress mental exhaustion .This therapy is excellent as it induces relaxation and calmness thus maintaining psycho- somatic balance.

Ayurvedic Therapy to Detoxify your body -Snehan

Snehan or oleation therapy is a procedure where in the body is lubricated with the help of oil or medicated ghee.Two main types of snehan -Bahya snehan (external oleation) and abhyantar snehan ( internal oleation). During abhyantara snehan ,the patient is given medicated herbal preparations orally for three to seven days.Bahya snehan means medicated oil massages to the disease affected areas or whole body.Both aims for channelizing and collecting the toxins in the body.

Ayurvedic Steam Bath Therapy-Swedan

The procedure of relieving stiffness,heaviness,coldness in the body and inducing sweat is known as swedan.In swedan steam is generated from medicated herbal decoctions which encourages the elimination of toxins through the pores and together with the oil treatments,they make the detoxification more effective.Indications cold , cough headache ,neck pain and knee pain etc