Ayurvedic Treatment  is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems.Ayurvedic treatments are done for various diseases like Acne ,Dull Skin,Alopecia ,Hair problems, Blemishes , Anemia , Hypertension ,Asthma,
PCOD,COPD , Bronchitis,Chronic Cold ,Cough, Indigestion , Constipation, Hyperacidity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Leucorrhea, Menopause, Bleeding disorders, Arthritis,Knee pain ,Kidney Calculus, Urinary tract infections ,Weight Loss.The treatments are based on your root causes and gives perfect results with pure ayurvedic medicines.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss

Ayurveda deals by identifying and treating the root cause of the problem resulting in a permanent solution .Weight loss with ayurvedic medicines will improve overall health giving you desired and ideal body .Weight loss can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of complications related to obesity.

Ayurvedic treatments for skin -Acne

Acne is usually a result of excessive oil secretions that develop on the surface of the skin, due to fluctuating hormone levels a variety of external physiological factors and, in some cases, a certain level of negligence pertaining to a skincare regime.

The stresses caused by and brought about on us by the pace of modern day living take their toll on us physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Acne, which is also known as acne vulgaris, is a long-term disorder of the skin that occurs in the body when the hair follicles become blocked up and clogged with dead skin cells and with the naturally occurring oil that is produced by the skin. 

Ayurvedic treatments for skin -Acne

Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) also called as PCOS is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Patients suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) have multiple small cysts in their ovaries (the word poly means many)

These cysts occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual cycle are disrupted. The ovary is enlarged and produces excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones

Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS

Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

According to Ayurveda ,the causes of arthritis are an accumulation of ama or toxins and aggravated vata paired with weak digestive fire (agni).Common arthritis symptoms include pain in joints , swelling ,stiffness and decreased range of motions.Symptoms may be mild ,moderate or severe but progress or get worse over time . Ayurvedic treatments include snehan ,swedan ,mrudu samshodhana , vatahara medicines ,diet and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Ayurvedic treatment has proven curative and preventive results for all stages of diabetes. Diabetes or Madhumeha is one of the 5 major diseases described in Ayurveda and the number of diabetics in India is rapidly rising. This metabolic disorder causes tissue damage, so even if the blood sugar levels are kept under control with medicines, it can damage eyes, kidneys or other vital organs later on. Ayurvedic treatment combines Ayurvedic medicines for Diabetes, diet and lifestyle recommendations which can cut down medicine-dependence and treats the root-cause.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

Ayurvedic Treatment for Female Infertility

Female infertility is caused due to structural problems like blocked fallopian tubes, defect in cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. Hormonal imbalance leading to ovulation problems too can cause infertility. In males infertility may have anatomical, psychological, hormonal or lifestyle related causes.
The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples can’t be determined using the currently available methods of investigation. From Ayurvedic perspectives, shukra dhatu can get affected by various physical, mental causes and even by serious diseases. Poor quality shukra dhatu can cause infertility in males & females

Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

The cardinal symptom of Vata is pain and when it lodges in the nervous system of the brain it causes migraine. External stimulus such as excessive noise, light, stress and tension all contribute to increasing migraine pains. Weak digestion is also a contributing factor which increases ama in the body and prevents proper circulation of blood in the body and brain. 
Ojas Ayurvedic Treatment offers a holistic approach that provides personalized medicines, diet, lifestyle, meditation and yoga recommendations.

Ayurvedic treatment tracks the progress of your migraine throughout the course of treatment and gives incremental improvements in phases that gradually contribute to long term relief and reduce chance of recurrence. Medicines, diet and lifestyle recommendations are customized according to your condition and there are zero side effects.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

Stress Management

Today lifestyle is far hectic than what have been before. Physical work may have been reduced but travelling, computer work, are taking its toll in their way. lots of brain work is involved in most of the jobs, brain stress naturally involves mental stress too and these stresses are inviting undue disorders like heart attacks, stress induced diabetes, insomnia, dry eye syndromes digestive disorders. to avoid all this  lifestyle package offers complete detoxification of the body mental peace, positive attitude and thinking by panchakarma treatments, diet plan to avoid any cardiac or diabetic problems. if one follows this package once or twice a year he regains his health and longitivity of life.

Stress Management

Ayurvedic Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is known as Raktagatavata or pitta avruta vata in Ayurveda which is elevated blood pressure .Normal blood pressure of a healthy individual is 120/80 mmHg.Hypertension is treated with customised ayurvedic medicines which balance the aggravated vata and pitta dosha and mind .Hypertension starts affecting vital organs such as heart ,brain and the kidney. Ayurvedic medicines cleanses the body channels ,boosting the metabolism as well as complications.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss / Hair Fall

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss / Hair Fall

Ayurvedic research on hair growth is extensive and well structured which makes it easy for practitioners to pinpoint the cause of hair fall and treat it accordingly. According to Ayurveda, hair type is directly related to body type and is systematically classified into three categories; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each hair type has distinct features, and hence there are multiple reasons for hair loss which vary from person to person.

Hair loss or Hair Fall is caused because of pitta dosha. Pitta governs our metabolism and digestion. A balanced Pitta leads to a healthy body and mind. It controls our general well being. Once you identify the reasons of pitta dosha, it becomes easier to correct it. Typically, bad eating habits, anxiety, and stress cause pitta dosha, which in turn leads to hair loss. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried and spicy food can cause an imbalance in pitta.